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Physical Therapy and Yoga

Personalized Care Treatments

Services Offered

Physical Therapy:
Medical Massage, Kinesiotape, Dry Needling, Movement and Strengthening Techniques
Yoga Therapy:
One-on-one or in a small group, for targeted healing of non-acute injury (at least 3 months after physical injury), back pain, shoulder and neck pain and more. 

I offer personalized care treatments including medical massage, taping, dry needling techniques for pain and soreness. I also provide movement and strengthening techniques for patients with muscular weakness or loss of function. My goal is to help patients find relief from pain and recover function so that they can enjoy life. 


Areas of Expertise

Pain and Stress Management. 


Soft Tissue Tears (muscle, tendon, meniscus), Sprains, Over-Use Injuries, Low Back Pain and Neck/Shoulder Pain. 


Neurological Injuries and Illnesses from young adults to the elderly. 


Chronic Pain, including Fibromyalgia, Neuropathies and Chronic Pain Syndromes. 







In 2013 I graduated from studying Biology at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. I've always been fascinated with how natural systems work. Upon finishing the degree, I felt I needed a hands-on health profession. 


I entered the world of physical therapy after studying yoga in Rishikesh, India in the summer of 2013. Yoga practice and teaching have accompanied me for over ten years after I was first exposed to them.

Yoga heavily influenced my decision to pursue a degree in health sciences at the University of Haifa.


After finishing my B.P.T in Haifa in 2018, I have dedicated my career to working with patients going through physical rehabilitation after a wide range of injuries.

I worked in Reuth Medical Centre in Tel Aviv with orthopedic, neurological and multi-trauma injuries and illness.

I also have worked with chronic pain in the outpatient clinic of Reuth medical centre. 


Beginning in 2022, I worked in Reaction sports clinic in Assuta Hospital in Tel Aviv with a variety of sports injuries, neck pain, back pain, and more. 


I'm also continuing my education by pursuing an M.A.P.T. at Tel Aviv University. I felt the need to deepen my understanding of the physical processes involved in rehabilitation. Specifically, I am working on my thesis on pain and stress regulation. 





My Approach

Get to Know Me

I went into Physical Therapy from a love of sports and a


passion for the mind-body connection. 


My approach is holistic: whether I am working with lower back pain, a torn muscle or neurological illness, it is important for me to understand my patient physically, mentally, and socially.

What are the physical limitations that brought you to seek therapy?

How are you affected mentally by your injury or illness? And what lost function do we have to work to recover so that you can best go about your daily life? 


I love accompanying patients through their healing journey. 

When my patients feel good in their bodies and can achieve their physical goals, I have achieved my goal. 


Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, feel free to get in touch with me. I'm here to help you on your journey to recovery and well-being.

Ben Tsadok 2

Tel Aviv, Israel 


Opening Hours

Thank You!

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